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A RITUAL the place of transition
What is this nature we live in and how do we relate to it. People have an urge to explore and to create but with creating we so often produce waste without being aware of it. Ecosystems are capable of complete recycling. Complete recycling means that 100% of the waste material can be reconstituted indefinitely. Can we create art in balance with the way our ecosystem functions? So to create a piece of art that at the moment we walk away from it can become one with nature again. During this workshop we want to create new worlds of images and dreams presented in a sculptural manner. We will explore the materiality of natural materials and what our relation is to them. We will work with sound and build with materials found in our direct environment.

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Workshops for:

From 2009 till now I have developed and tought various workshops and seminars for theaters, museums and schools. My strength lays with workshops that last more than 2 days because there one can really explore a subject and develop a more indept work with the participants. I have worked with people from 3 till 80 years old and love the quality each of them bring in.

Los Amigos de la Esquina MX, Big Draw Nijmegen NL, Motel Spatie NL, Cultural Capital Donostia, ESP, Kultursiftung des Bundes D, D, Sculpture International Rotterdam NL, Mellowpark Berlin D, Stichting Beleven NL, Cultuurpad NL, Debbie den Besten NL, AMZAF NL, Helios Theater, Hamm D, Cultural Capital Kosice, SLW, ICAF NL, Derde wall Gallerie NL, Hellwach theater Festival D, Pottfiction D, Ruhr 2010 D, Deutsches Theater D, Incubate festival NL, New Arts NL, NAX NL, RIBW NL, SIZA NL, Theater Filmfest Dusseldorf, Mode Biennale, Arnhem NL, Slim Opgewekt NL, Beekdal lyceum NL, Kunstbedrijf NL, Stichting Roset NL, De Lindenberg NL.

Murals/Urban interventions in assignment for: (selection)
LADLE Los amigos de la Esquina 2018, Mexico 
Confetti Schuytgraaf 2018, Netherlands
Donostia Cultural Capital 2016, Spain
Slim opgewekt and the local electricity company 2015-2018, Netherlands
Robopark Siza 2016-2017, Netherlands
Kosice Cultural Capital 2014, Slovakia
Pottfiction 2016-open (Urbane Künste Ruhr), Germany
Young Energies in assignment of 2012, Germany 

What kind of city do we want to live in?
Young Energies is an unusual research project. In collaboration with the young participants the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Urban Development seeks to identify their visions for future cities. The results will be on display at the Young Energies exhibition at the “Urban Energies” International Congress in October 2012 in Berlin. “Where is your city yours?” is the motto of the international video competition inviting young people to submit contributions on urban locations.

Theatre / Live-video workshops in assignment for: (selection)
Pottfiction 2009-open Dortmund (Urbane Künste Ruhr), Germany
Theatre Film Festival Düsseldorf 2016, Germany 
Hellwach Theater Festival Hamm 2014-2015, Germany 
Deutsches Theater Berlin 2014, Germany
Zooi-city Arnhem, Netherlands
Kartondorp Arnhem, Netherlands

Pottfiction 2009 Gelsenkirchen, Ruhrgebied Cultural capital
Constructions Live-Video workshop 10 days

Pottfiction 2015 during 1 of the 6 preperation week-ends.
Workshop Live-video and puppet building I gave.

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I make murals together with all kinds of people in different social contexts. Till now I have painted in Slowakia, Holland, Spain, Germany and Mexico often in collaboration with Naamloozz. Sometimes this was in the setting of an international art project, on invitation, commisioned or self initiated and supported by friends and family through crowd funding. I am always happy to share the brush with others and hope to continue to do so in the future.

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Building Places

A city arises from the trash left behind by humans.
A city like an enormous organ, that pounds, moves and makes noises.

I am currently working on a series of videos of miniature cities that I build on locations that i am attracted to as an urban stroller. The buildings are made out of materials found on location (wood/ stones/ packaging, etc.) and with the growing of buildings, cities arise.

This process of the growing of settlements (brick by brick) is recorded so in the end a short stop-motion movie of a growing city and a miniature city is brought into existence. The videos are part of a larger research on parts of the cities that one can have access to to play freely with the material laying around there. The goal is a video installation made out of around 40 videos created over a longer time span.

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Illustration for a publication of Audiotron. A series of live performed radioplays commisioned by Extrapool, Nijmegen. Powerplant, a performance duo that I was part of for 10 years, was featured in this publication.

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Plastic City Wrap Me Up

Four mucisians and an artist performe a music/live-cinema performance about daily life, planed or improvised.

Een stad opgebouwd uit plastic afvalmateriaal, is dat een beeld uit de toekomst? Een stad als zijnde, letterlijk, het verpakkingsmateriaal voor de mensen die het herbergt. In Plastic City, wrap me up is Station Dieptepunt Centraal een in zichzelf vastdraaiend dump, ruil en vermaakpunt voor en met kunststoffen. Op maandagochtend om half acht staren drie medewerkers enigszins wezenloos voor zich uit in hun Porta-Dispatched-from-Tras​h-Cabin.

Tim Coehoorn – gitar & loops
Olaf Hollmann – tenor & baritone saxofoon
Antoine Duykers – drums & percussion
Krista Burger – visual artist & live cinema
Quinten Dierick – electronics & visual artist

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The magical massage bar for public officers

A site specific experimental noise opera by Slowakian composer Utvil Kling Sang, 2013.

Commisioned by K.A.I.R., Košice and Motel Spatie, Arnhem.
Directing, dramaturgy: Marek Kundlák, Útvil Kling Sang.
Musicians: Edita Karkoschka, Tim Coehoorn, Hans Arnold, Harmjan Roeles, Kováts Gergő, Marek Kundlák, Útvil Kling Sang.
Visuals and Live-video: Heimprofi
Object and masks: Hybrid Packaging

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Prinz Sternschnuppe

Premiere Prinz Sternschnuppe written by novelist Lisa Sommerfeldt and directed by Miriam Michel.
Stage design, costume and overhead-projections by Krista Burger.

Miriam Michel und Bühnenbildnerin Krista Burger setzen die Handlung als ein Abenteuer über die Entstehung von Bildern um. Denn das Publikum erhält keine fertigen visuellen Interpretationen vorgesetzt. Die Bühne ist völlig offen, die drei Darsteller verwandeln sich mit minimalen Handgriffen in ihre jeweiligen Rollen. Puppen und Overhead-Projektionen von Zeichnungen entführen vom Schloss ins Weltall und zur Guten Fee an den See. Westfalenpost

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Tschick opera

Road Opera by composer Ludger Vollmer, 2017.
Libretto written by Tina Hartmann after the Novel of Wolfgang Herrndorf.

Musical direction Florian Ludwig
Director Roman Hovenbitzer
Stage design and costume Jan Bammes
Graphics and Video Krista Burger

„Tschick“ als temporeiche Roadopera uraufgeführt

„Tschick“ als temporeiche Roadopera uraufgeführt

HAGEN Da sage noch einer, die Oper sei eine zeitraubende Darstellungsform. Mit der Adaption des Jugendromans “Tschick” beweist das Theater Hagen das genaue Gegenteil. Am Samstag war die Uraufführung des Auftragswerks.

Visuelle Illusionen
Für Regisseur Roman Hovenbitzer stellte sich das Problem, die Handlung eines Roadmovies – die Protagonisten kurven mit einem gestohlenen Lada durch Ostdeutschland – auf eine kleine Bühne mit beschränkten Möglichkeiten zu bringen. Seine Lösung ist mehr als überzeugend: Die niederländische Grafik- und Video-Künstlerin Krista Burger übernimmt einen Großteil der visuellen Illusionen.

Mit viel Witz, Einfallsreichtum und oft einfachen Mitteln zaubert sie wirkungsvolle Kulissen bis hin zur Braunkohlengrube. Den realen Teil der Bühne sowie die treffenden Kostüme besorgt Ausstatter Jan Bammes. Am Pult des quicklebendig aufspielenden Orchesters: Generalmusikdirektor Florian Ludwig.

Karsten Mark: Freier Mitarbeiter Kulturredaktion. Ruhrnachrichten

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Verantwoord Vet

Free-improv Live-Cinema: Verantwoord Vet is drawing a surreal and nightmarish vision of our overly consuming society. Waste material and found objects are used to produce an improvised movie accompanied by improvised soundscapes, giving the performance an apocalyptic edge.

Krista Burger – Live-Video
Christoph Scherbaum – git / electronics  Tim Coehoorn – git / electronics Duration – 20-50 min

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Radioplay for Extrapool

Income small. Prospects none. Spirit: unbroken, 2009.
Assignment by Extrapool, Nijmegen.

This radio play was a collaboration with composer J. Diehl and Powerplant’s N. Thibo. Based on one of the four Hierarchies stories for the book ‘Exquisite Gunpowder City 16 Shot’ by N. Thibo. During the performance the audience were placed in a square and sat in the dark. They could listen to the radio play and read a corresponding text projection, while live sounds were made behind them to accompany the soundtrack of the radio play.

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Powerplant Live-video performance

Together with N.Thibo I was part of the performance duo Powerplant. Powerplant made theatrical live-cinema performances between 2001 and 2011 and performed in various places in Holland an abroad like the van Abbe museum, Paradiso, Revolver Gallery, Duesseldorf and various art festivals like the Gogbot Festival in Enschede.

Live-cinema installations by Powerplant 
* In der Bar um die Ecke, 2002 (3 sets, 24min, 1 Channelprojection, sound)
* Fortune Cookie Fleas ,2002 (5 sets, 23min, 1 Channelprojection, sound)
* Welcome to the Heat, 2004 (12 sets, 44min, 2 Channelprojection, sound)
* Heroes no Coffee, 2004 (Installation)
* The Future is comming at you with 60min a hour, 2005 (Installation)
* Fortune Cookie Fleas II, 2006 (7 sets, 33min, 2 Channelprojection, sound)
* Mental Mickey, 2007 (1 set, 11min, performance, 1 Channelprojection, sound)
* The Dessert of Doom, 2007 (5 sets, 31min, 2 Channelprojection, sound)
* In der Bar um die Ecke II, 2007/2008 (7 sets, 34min, 2 Channelprojection, sound,)
* OUTLET LAND, 2009-2011 (11 sets, 49min, 2 Channelprojection, sound)